Captain James Cook


1) Click on the website link and use the 'timeline' to understand the journeys and discoveries of Cook.
2) Go to 'Who was Cook' in the list of contents and watch a mini-movie that explains Cook's life.
3) Go to 'Themes' and click on 'Charts and Maps'. Scroll down to the time when Cook arrived on the east coast of Australia. Where did he want to go? What was Australia called at this time? Read some of the journal entries made by Cook. What do you notice about the language used by him?

Cook sailed on the ship, Endeavour, when he arrived in Australia.

1) Click on the ship and discover the other explorers who had arrived on the Australian coast before Cook. Use this information to collect the facts you need for your worksheet table.
2) Click on 'Endeavour Explorers' and find some facts about Cook's arrival. Choose 4 facts to answer your worksheet.
Click on this link to see some of Cook's old log books (daily records on the journeys). This is an artefact held at the State Library of NSW. Flick through the pages by using the arrows below the book's pages, then double click on the writing to see it up close... awesome!!